PhoA Help System

Picture file operations wizard :: Picture selection

This wizard page is intended for selecting the pictures for the operation and is applicable for the following ones:


Selected pictures The operation you have selected will process the pictures selected in the thumbnail window. For cases when a group is required for the operation the photo album or view group currently selected is used.
This mode is the default when you start the wizard, and thumbnail window has focus and selected pictures as well.
All pictures in the photo album/view The operation will use all the pictures and all photo album groups (in the case picture groups are displayed) or all view groups (when a view is active).
Pictures in selected groups You decide which groups and pictures will participate in the operation by checking them in the tree. You can only check the groups which actually contain pictures.
This mode is the default when wizard starts and group tree has focus; the group currently selected gets checked immediately (unless it doesn't contain pictures).
Additional options are available in the popup menu accessible with right mouse click or with Shift+F10 shortcut keys:
Check all groups (or Ctrl+A) Sets check to all the groups having pictures.
Uncheck all groups (or Ctrl+D) Removes check from all the checked groups.
Invert group checks (or Ctrl+I) Toggles all groups' check state.

Info line at the bottom of the page displays how many groups and pictures the selection actually contains; also the total size for picture files is displayed.

  • In a case copy/move options allow file duplication the total size may prove greater than indicated one.
  • The space occupied by a file on the disk is usually greater than its size. You should have this in mind when preparing the files to write onto a removable medium.

See also:

Picture file operations wizard
Browse mode
Working in the browse mode